10 x 90 mm plates, 10 x 65mm Contact Plates

//10 x 90 mm plates, 10 x 65mm Contact Plates
  • This is one of several media available for the selective isolation of yeasts and fungi suitable for use in all areas of Mycology. The low pH (5.6) of the medium is inhibitory to most bacteria and many diagnostic features such as spores and pigmentation are well developed on this medium. NB: This is a basic medium only and contains no additional supplements.
  • Sabouraud Dextrose Agar with Chloramphenicol (50mg/L) A selective medium for the isolation of yeasts and fungi, Sabouraud Dextrose Agar is suitable for use in all areas of Mycology. The low pH of the medium inhibits most bacteria, however in this formulation Chloramphenicol (50mg/L) is added to further reduce the risk when processing material that may be heavily contaminated particularly with coliforms.