Pale Orange

//Pale Orange
  • This is a selective medium for the isolation of Salmonella spp. and Shigella spp. from clinical specimens and food samples. SS agar is a modification of the original DCA medium described by Leifson. The formulation for SS agar was later modified to improve the growth of Shigella spp. SS agar modified differs from SS agar in that it has an alternation to the bile salts mixture, peptone, pH value, and total g/litre. The peptone provides the required carbon, nitrogen and vitamins. Lactose is a fermentable carbohydrate and neutral red is a pH indicator. Sodium thiosulphate and ferric citrate are used to detect hydrogen sulphide production indicated by the black centred colonies of hydrogen sulphite positive organisms. Bile salts, sodium citrate and brilliant green inhibit Gram-positive bacteria and a number of different coliform bacteria.
  • A modification of Christensen’s medium by Maslen this medium is generally used to detect rapid urease activity of Proteus spp. It can also be used to detect urease activity of other enterobacteriaceae including urease producing Salmonella spp. and Shigella spp. When used for the latter purpose it is necessary to increase the incubation time to as long as 48 hours. The peptone provides the required nitrogen, carbon and vitamins. Glucose is a fermentable carbohydrate. The potassium dihydrogen phosphate is a buffer and sodium chloride maintains osmotic balance. Phenol red is a pH indicator. Related Supplements : BM3000 Urea 40% Solution
  • A modification of Christensen’s medium by Maslen this medium is generally used to detect rapid urease activity of Proteus spp. although it can be used to detect urease activity of other enterobacteriaceae including urease producing Salmonella spp. and Shigella spp. Unlike Christensen’s medium when used for the later purpose it is not necessary to increase the incubation time. The peptone provides the required nitrogen, carbon and vitamins. Glucose is a fermentable carbohydrate. The disodium phosphate and potassium dihydrogen phosphate are buffers and sodium chloride maintains osmotic balance. Phenol red is a pH indicator. Related Supplements : BM3000 Urea 40% Solution