Aerobically at 37°C for 18-24 hours

//Aerobically at 37°C for 18-24 hours
  • DNase agar is used primarily in clinical laboratories to differentiate pathogenic Staphylococcus aureus from other staphylococci based on deoxyribonuclease (DNase) activity. The tryptone provides the required carbon, nitrogen and vitamins. Sodium chloride maintains the osmotic balance. The addition of DNA to the base medium provides a simple method to check for DNase activity. The methyl green fades into a colourless compound if the DNA in the medium is depolymerised. Organisms that can produce sufficient quantity of a DNase enzyme will hydrolyse the DNA resulting in a clear area around the colonies. Whereas DNase negative organisms will not produce clearing. NB: As with most tests of this type a positive result should not be taken in isolation and other appropriate tests, e.g. coagulase test, latex agglutination etc., should be carried out.  
  • KM0141

    Nutrient Agar

    A basic general-purpose medium suitable for use in the cultivation of the less fastidious organisms particularly those that do not require the addition of blood or other enrichment. When used to prepare agar slopes or agar butts, the medium can be used to maintain control organisms. The peptone provides the required carbon, nitrogen and vitamins. Sodium chloride maintains osmotic balance.  
  • KM0149

    Peptone Water

    Peptone water is a general-purpose medium that supports thecultivation of non-fastidious organisms. This non-selective medium can be used a basal medium for biochemical tests such as carbohydrate fermentation and production of indole. Tryptone and peptone act as sources of carbon, nitrogen and vitamins in this medium and sodium chloride maintains osmotic balance.  
  • Triple sugar iron agar is used to differentiate between some of the enterobacteriacae on the basis of four reactions: fermentation of lactose, glucose and sucrose and the production of hydrogen sulphide. Beef extract, yeast extract and peptone provide the required nitrogen, carbon and vitamins. Lactose, sucrose and glucose are carbohydrates. Acid production from their fermentation is detected by the phenol red pH indictor. Sodium thiosulphate is reduced to hydrogen sulphide which is detected by the ferric citrate indicator. Sodium chloride maintains osmotic balance.  
  • Yeast extract agar is a nutrient rich medium for the cultivation of non-fastidious bacteria, yeasts and moulds. Recommended for the plate count of microorganisms in water and dairy products. The yeast extract and peptone acts as a source of nitrogen, amino acids, carbon and vitamins. Related Supplements : LS0019 Oxytetracycline Selective Supplement