182 days

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  • Alkaline Peptone Water is generally used as an enrichment medium in the isolation of Vibrio spp. from faeces. The high pH of the medium inhibits most enteric organisms for at least 24 hours. The medium is heavily inoculated with faeces and after not more than 8 hours incubation a loopful from the top of the medium is sub cultured onto TCBS Agar. This enrichment medium is also used for food and water testing.
  • An enriched general purpose broth being an isotonic medium with Tryptose providing a wide range of substrates. The medium is further enriched with 10% horse serum for more fastidious organisms and as an enrichment broth.
  • This is a defined medium primarily for the cultivation of fungi and bacteria that are capable of utilising Sodium Nitrate as their sole source of Nitrogen. If made more acidic by adjusting to pH 3.5 it can also be used for isolation of yeasts. It has also been used for the identification of Candida albicans by chlamydospore production.
  • Legionellae are more resistant to lower pH and brief exposure to higher temperatures than many other freshwater bacteria. For some water samples with high concentrations of bacteria, it is necessary to use a selective procedure to reduce the number of non-Legionella bacteria before culture. Acid treatment and heating of samples are routinely used for this purpose and to aid antigen extraction. The use of this buffer is recommended in the International Standard ISO 11731-2 "Water quality-Detection and enumeration of Legionella" for this purpose.
  • E.E. Broth is recommended as an enrichment medium when examining food and feedstuffs for Enterobacteriaceae. It is a modification of Brilliant Green Bile Broth, with an improved buffering capacity to encourage early growth and prevent autosterilization. E.E. Broth uses glucose instead of lactose to make the medium a test for all enterobacteria including non-lactose fermenting organisms. This formulation complies with the Harmonized USP/EP/JP.
  • A sterile concentrated emulsion of premium egg yolks, suitable for incorporation in culture media which detect lecithinase production by bacteria. It can be used in media for Bacillus cereus and Staphylococci. Used with serum and Filde’s extract it may be used to produce Nagler plates for Clostridia.
  • This is a sterile emulsion of Egg Yolk in Saline containing Potassium Tellurite and is generally used as a selective differential agent in Baird Parker Medium. The complete medium is selective for Staphylococcus aureus as the Potassium Tellurite inhibits most coliform organisms and is also reduced by Staphylococcus aureus to tellurite giving typical black colonies on the Baird Parker Medium.
  • Enterobacteriaceae Enrichment Broth E.E. Broth is recommended as an enrichment medium when examining food and feedstuffs for Enterobacteriaceae. It is a modification of Brilliant Green Bile Broth, with an improved buffering capacity to encourage early growth and prevent autosterilization. E.E. Broth uses glucose instead of lactose to make the medium a test for all enterobacteria including non lactose fermenting organisms.
  • BM0640

    Fraser Broth

    A modification of UVM Medium, Fraser Broth is a secondary selective enrichment broth for the isolation of Listeria spp primarily from food and environmental specimens. The medium is made selective by the inclusion of Nalidixic Acid and Acriflavine. Darkening of the broth following incubation, due to the presence of Aesculin and Ferric Ammonium Citrate, is indicative of the presence of Listeria spp. Lithium Chloride is also included to inhibit the growth of enterococci that would otherwise hydrolyse the Aesculin. This medium is generally used in conjunction with Fraser Broth Half-Strength (BM0647). NB:  It should be noted that the lack of darkening of the broth should not be taken as a final negative result and all Fraser Broth enrichment cultures should be sub-cultured onto an appropriate selective agar medium irrespective of colour.
  • A modification of UVM11 Medium, Fraser Broth Half-Strength is a primary selective enrichment broth for the isolation of Listeria spp. from food and environmental samples and is generally used in conjunction with Fraser Broth (BM0640). Although the base is identical to Fraser Broth it differs in that it contains only half the quantity of selective agents (Nalidixic acid and Acriflavine).
  • Glucose agar allows for the detection of glucose fermentation (with or without gas production) as an identification test for Enterobacteriaceae (ISO 21528) and B.cereus (ISO 7932). It is further enriched by the addition of Yeast Extract. Bromocresol Purple is also included and acts as an indicator of glucose fermentation.
  • Lysed horse blood is used for special purposes in culture media. It has been used for many years in Corynebacterium diphtheriae media, where better growth was observed after lysis of the horse blood by the tellurite in the medium. It is also documented that lysed blood stimulates the growth of Haemophilus influenzae due to the release of Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide in the horse blood from the ruptured erythrocytes. In antibiotic susceptibility testing, lysed horse blood is added to the medium to improve the reactions with trimethoprim and sulphonamides. Most culture media, unless specially processed for susceptibility testing, contain amounts of thymidine which can antagonise the inhibitory effects of these antimicrobials. When horse blood is lysed the erythrocytes release an enzyme thymidine phosphorylase which converts thymidine into the much less antagonistic compound thymine.
  • This is a chemical complex which should be used in conjunction with BM0945 Muller – Kauffmann Tetrathionate Broth Base. It is recommended that the complex is used as a 2% solution with the base media and should be only added on the day of use.
  • This is a modification of the traditional liquid media used to differentiate and identify micro-organisms.  It consists of a Buffered Tryptose base containing Lactose and solidified with Gelatin which permits detection of Gelatin Liquefaction where appropriate. Phenol Red Indicator is also included as an indicator of pH change.
  • Luria Bertani broth (LB Broth) is a nutrient broth primarily used for the growth and maintenance of Escherichia coli. Used as the primary propagation step for donor or recipient cells, when further work is to be performed on LB Agar.
  • Selenite Mannitol Broth is an alternative to Selenite F Broth for the selective enrichment of Salmonellae spp from Clinical, Food and Environmental specimens. Based on Buffered Mannitol Broth, it is made selective by the addition of Sodium Biselenite. The fermentation of Mannitol by Salmonellae is said to correct the alkaline pH swing which can occur during incubation. Following overnight incubation subculture(s) are usually made on to one or more of the many selective enteric solid media.
  • Maximum Recovery Diluent (Peptone/ Saline Diluent) An osmotically controlled solution for the preparations of suspensions of food samples and for use as a diluent in dilution techniques for bacterial enumeration. The presence of a low level peptone lessens the physiological shock normally experienced by bacterial cells when they are introduced to a diluent such as Ringers Solution. The level of peptone is such that multiplication of the organisms is not possible in the time in which the sample will be present in the diluent.
  • For the enumeration of Escherichia coli and coliform organisms in water using a Membrane Filtration Technique. Previously known as Membrane Enriched Teepol Broth, Lauryl Sulphate has replaced Teepol 610, which is no longer available. Phenol Red is included in the medium making it possible for coliforms to be more readily detected following incubation.
  • A broth suitable for the cultivation of bacteria especially members of the Enterobacteriacae genus. This medium allows for the detection of gas when a Durhum tube is incorporated in the medium.
  • A broth suitable for the cultivation of bacteria especially members of the Enterobacteriacae genus. Which allows the detection of acid & gas when a Durhum tube is incorporated in the medium.
  • This is best described as a multi-purpose medium for differentiation of enterobacteriacae that combines three individual tests into a single medium. For use the medium is inoculated by making a single stab into the medium with a straight wire (or equivalent) using a pure culture (or discrete single colony) of the test organism. Following incubation it is recommended that the medium should first of all be examined to determine whether or not the organism is motile. The presence of motility is apparent by the organism tracking out from the line of inoculation and often turning the medium turbid. Non-motile organisms generally grow within the stab line leaving the surrounding medium clear. Urease positive organisms (e.g. Proteus spp) turn the medium bright red due to the hydrolysis of the Urea in the presence of the Phenol Red Indicator often making it difficult to determine the other parameters.Indole is tested for by layering a small amount of Indole Reagent (Erlich’s or Kovac’s appear to work equally well) onto the surface of the medium and allowed a few minutes to react. A positive result is indicated by the formation of a red line at the interface of the reagent and the medium.
  • de Man, Rogosa & Sharpe (MRS) Agar M.R.S. Agar is intended for the cultivation and enumeration of Lactobacillus spp from a variety of sources and can be used as an alternative to Orange Serum Agar for that purpose. Magnesium Sulphate, Manganese Sulphate, Sodium Acetate and Tween are included as growth supplements. The medium can be made more specific for lactobacilli generally by lowering the pH to between 5.0 and 5.5. This has the effect of inhibiting most streptococci that may otherwise grow on the medium and can be readily confused with lactobacilli.
  • This is an aqueous solution of Oxalic acid (3%) suitable for use in the digestion and neutralisation of Sputum that may be contaminated with Pseudomonas like organisms prior to culture.
  • This is an aqueous solution of Oxalic acid (5%) suitable for use in the digestion and neutralisation of Sputum that may be contaminated with Pseudomonas like organisms prior to culture.
  • This is one of the large group of media, affectionately known as ‘Peptone Water Sugars’, that are generally used in the screening and/or identification of organisms particularly the enterobacteriacae. A positive fermentation of the substrate is clearly indicated by the medium turning pink due to the inclusion Andrade’s Indicator.
  • This is a base medium to which can be added selective supplements of choice for the presumptive identification and enumeration of Clostridium perfringens in food products using poured plate techniques. Sodium metabisulphite and Ferric ammonium citrate are included in the base and together provide an indicator of sulphite reaction by Clostridium perfringens, which produces black colonies on the medium.  It is recommended that this medium be used with an overlay otherwise cultures may not grow as black colonies. NB: This is a base medium only and contains no selective supplements.
  • This buffer is intended primarily for use as a neutralising agent following treatment with alkaline compounds during the decontamination and homogenisation process of Sputum specimens prior to inoculation onto appropriate culture media for the isolation of Mycobacterium spp.
  • This medium is recommended for the detection and enumeration of yeasts and moulds in food and dairy products. It can also be used for the cultivation of fungi although with the prolonged incubation necessary cultures may become overgrown by bacteria. The low pH (5.6) suppresses the growth of most bacteria and the low mineral content ensures good pigment production by fungi where appropriate.
  • BM0274

    R2A Agar

    Traditionally, standard methods for enumeration of heterotrophic bacteria in water have used nutritionally rich media with incubation at 35°C. This may represent only a small percentage of bacteria present in the sample. R2A agar is a nutritionally reduced medium which, when combined with incubation at lower temperatures for longer time periods, results in enhanced recovery of stressed and chlorine damaged organisms from treated waters resulting in higher more realistic bacterial counts.
  • Rappaport Vassiliadis (R.V.) Single Component Enrichment Broth This is an alternative to Selenite and Tetrathionate broths, as a selective enrichment broth for the isolation of Salmonellae spp from food, dairy and environmental samples and is claimed by some workers to be superior to both these formulations. It can also be used in clinical bacteriology but care must be taken to ensure that only a light inoculum is used. Malachite Green and Magnesium Chloride are included in the formulation as selective agents due to their ability to inhibit most enteric organisms but allow salmonellae to multiply freely. NB: This media is not recommended for use when salmonella typhi is suspected.
  • This is a selective enrichment broth for the isolation of Salmonella spp. from pharmaceutical, food, dairy and environmental samples. Malachite Green and Magnesium Chloride are included in the formulation as selective agents due to their ability to inhibit most enteric organisms whilst allowing Salmonella spp. to multiply freely. Gram +ve bacteria and most other enteric bacteria, are typically susceptible to or inhibited by Malachite Green, the high osmotic pressure and/or the low pH of the medium. It should be noted that S.typhi and S.choleraesuis are sensitive to Malachite Green and may therefore be inhibited. This medium conforms to the requirements of the Harmonised USP/EP/JP.
  • This is a selective medium for the isolation of yeasts and fungi and is particularly suitable for use in sterility testing. The low pH (5.6) of the medium is inhibitory to most bacteria and many diagnostic features such as spores and pigmentation are well developed on this medium. The formulation of this medium conforms to the requirements of the United States Pharmacopoeia & European Pharmacopoeia. This product is wrapped in barrier film to allow for use in Vaporised Hydrogen peroxide sterilisation systems. NB: Final sterilisation of this medium is by Gamma irradiation and it is triple wrapped. Dose Range: Min: 8.0kGy Max: 15.0kGy
  • This is a selective medium for the isolation of yeasts and fungi and is particularly suitable for use in sterility testing. The low pH (5.6) of the medium is inhibitory to most bacteria and many diagnostic features such as spores and pigmentation are well developed on this medium. The formulation of this medium conforms to the requirements of the United States Pharmacopoeia. Lecithin & Polysorbate 80 (Tween 80) are added to inactivate surface disinfectants (Lecithin neutralises quaternary ammonium compounds & Tween neutralises phenols, formalin, hexachlorophene and in combination with the Lecithin ethanol). NB: Final sterilisation of this medium is by Gamma irradiation and it is triple wrapped. Dose Range: Min: 8.0kGy Max: 15.0kGy
  • Sabouraud Dextrose Agar with Lecithin, Tween 80, Histidine & Sodium Thiosulphate (VHP) (USP) - Irradiated This is a selective medium for the isolation of yeasts and fungi and is particularly suitable for use in sterility testing. The low pH (5.6) of the medium is inhibitory to most bacteria and many diagnostic features such as spores and pigmentation are well developed on this medium. The formulation of this medium conforms to the requirements of the United States Pharmacopoeia. Lecithin, Polysorbate 80 (Tween 80), Histidine and Sodium Thiosulphate are added to inactivate surface disinfectants (Lecithin neutralises quaternary ammonium compounds, Tween 80 and Histidine neutralises phenols, formalin, hexachlorophene and in combination with the Lecithin ethanol and Sodium Thiosulphate inactivate mercurials). This product is wrapped in barrier film to allow for use in Vaporised Hydrogen peroxide sterilisation systems. NB: Final sterilisation of this medium is by Gamma irradiation and it is triple wrapped. Dose Range: Min: 8.0kGy Max: 15.0kGy
  • A medium for the selective enrichment of Salmonellae spp from both clinical and food samples. It is a buffered Lactose Peptone Broth to which Sodium Biselenite is added as the selective agent and Cystine to enhance the recovery of salmonella in low numbers. Subcultures should be made from the top 1/3 of the broth after not more than 24 hours incubation as after this time there is a loss of selectivity.
  • A medium for the selective enrichment of Salmonella spp from both clinical and food samples.  It is a buffered Lactose Peptone Broth to which Sodium Biselenite is added as the selective agent. Subcultures should be made from the top 1/3 of the broth after not more than 24 hours incubation as after this time there is a loss of selectivity.
  • This medium can be used as a screening method for the differentiation of Enterobacteriaceae based on the ability of some species to utilise citrate as a sole source of carbon. It is often used as a screening test for Klebsiella pneumoniae (Positive reaction) while Escherichia coli is negative. Other uses included distinguishing between species of citrate positive Salmonellae (e.g. Salmonella enteritidis) and those that are negative (e.g. Salmonella typhi and Salmonella paratyphi A). The medium is inoculated by stabbing the organism (in pure culture) into the medium. A positive result produces a change of colour from green to bright blue and a negative reaction leaves the colour unchanged.
  • This is an aqueous solution of Sodium Hydroxide (2%) with Phenol Red Indicator suitable for use in the digestion of Sputum samples prior to culture of the samples for Mycobacterium spp. It is generally used in conjunction with Sputum Neutralising Buffer (BM1324).
  • This is an aqueous solution of Sodium Hydroxide (4%) suitable for use in the digestion of Sputum samples prior to culture. It is generally used in conjunction with Sputum Neutralising Buffer (BM1325).
  • This is an aqueous solution of Sodium Hydroxide (4%) with Phenol Red Indicator suitable for use in the digestion of Sputum samples prior to culture. It is generally used in conjunction with Sputum Neutralising Buffer. ( E& O  Products BM1324 & BM1325).
  • This is a sterile aqueous solution of Potassium di-hydrogen phosphate (16.0 % w/v) with Phenol Red Indicator suitable for use in the neutralisation following the digestion of sputum with Sodium hydroxide prior to culture. It is generally used in conjunction with BM1322 Sodium hydroxide 4%.
  • This is a sterile aqueous solution of Potassium Di-Hydrogen Ortho-phosphate (16.0 % w/v) suitable for use in the neutralisation following the digestion of Sputum with Sodium Hydroxide prior to culture. It is generally used in conjunction with Sodium Hydroxide 4% with Phenol Red Indicator 0.2%.
  • This buffer is intended primarily for use as a neutralising agent following treatment with alkaline compounds during the decontamination and homogenisation process of Sputum specimens prior to inoculation onto appropriate culture media for the isolation of Mycobacterium spp.
  • This medium is based on the formula described by Kupferburg, Johnson and Sprince for the selective isolation of Trichomonas spp. The medium is selective due to the inclusion of the broad spectrum antibiotic, chloramphenicol, to inhibit a wide range of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacterial species. This medium does not contain an antifungal agent and Candida spp. will not be suppressed. However, the growth of Candida spp. does not interfere with that of Trichomonas spp. The inclusion of methylene blue as a redox indicator allows for the visualisation of any significant oxygen diffusion in the medium. Cultures may be examined microscopically after 48 hours incubation at 37°C for the presence of flagellate protozoans. If a negative result is obtained then the culture may be re-incubated for a further 72 hours.
  • This medium is based on the formula described by Kupferburg, Johnson and Sprince for the selective isolation of Trichomonas spp. The medium is selective due to the inclusion of two selective agents namely, Chloramphenicol and Nystatin, to inhibit a wide range of both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacterial species as well as yeasts and fungi. The inclusion of methylene blue as a redox indicator allows for the visualisation of any significant oxygen diffusion in the medium. Cultures may be examined microscopically after 48 hours incubation at 37°C for the presence of flagellate protozoans. If a negative result is obtained then the culture may be re-incubated for a further 72 hours.
  • This is a medium that can be used to differentiate between some of the Enterobacteriacae on the basis of four reactions, fermentation of Lactose, Glucose and Sucrose and the production of H2S. For use the medium is inoculated using a pure culture of the test organism which should be smeared onto the surface of the slope and stabbed into the butt of the medium. For details of the many reactions that may arise during the use of this medium reference should be made to one of the many standard textbooks.
  • This is a general-purpose complex medium for the cultivation and isolation of aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms. The base medium, Tryptone Soya Agar (Soybean-Casein Digest agar), conforms to the Harmonized United States Pharmacopoeia (USP), European Pharmacopoeia (EP), and Japanese Pharmacopoeia (JP).The medium can be incubated under aerobic or anaerobic conditions for sterility testing, air sampling and other areas of bacteriological investigation. This particular product is triple wrapped and terminally sterilised by Gamma irradiation. Dose Range: 8.0 kGy - 15.0kGy
  • This is a general-purpose complex medium for cultivation and isolation of fastidious bacteria, yeasts and moulds. The formulation is based on the United States Pharmacopoeia (USP Medium II) and European Pharmacopoeia (EP Medium B). The medium can be incubated under aerobic or anaerobic conditions for sterility testing, air sampling and other areas of bacteriological investigation. This product is wrapped in barrier film to allow for use in Vaporised Hydrogen peroxide sterilisation systems. This particular product is triple wrapped and terminally sterilised by Gamma irradiation. Dose Range: 8.0 kGy - 15.0kGy
  • This is a general-purpose complex medium for cultivation and isolation of fastidious bacteria, yeasts and moulds. The formulation is based on the United States Pharmacopoeia (USP Medium II) and European Pharmacopoeia (EP Medium B). Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 (Tween 80) are added to inactivate surface disinfectants (Lecithin neutralises quaternary ammonium compounds and Tween 80 neutralises phenols, formalin, hexachlorophene and in combination with the Lecithin ethanol). The medium can be incubated under aerobic or anaerobic conditions for sterility testing, air sampling and other areas of bacteriological investigation. This product is wrapped in barrier film to allow for use in Vaporised Hydrogen peroxide sterilisation systems. This particular product is triple wrapped and terminally sterilised by Gamma irradiation. Dose Range: 8.0 kGy - 15.0kGy
  • This is a general-purpose complex medium for the cultivation and isolation of aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms. The base medium, Tryptone Soya Agar (Soybean-Casein Digest agar), conforms to the Harmonized United States Pharmacopoeia (USP), European Pharmacopoeia (EP), and Japanese Pharmacopoeia (JP). Histidine and Sodium Thiosulphate are added to inactivate surface disinfectants (Lecithin neutralises quaternary ammonium compounds, Tween 80 and Histidine neutralises phenols, formalin, hexachlorophene and, in combination with the Lecithin, ethanol and Sodium Thiosulphate inactivates mercurials, halogens and aldehydes). The medium can be incubated under aerobic or anaerobic conditions for sterility testing, air sampling and other areas of bacteriological investigation. This product is wrapped in barrier film to allow for use in Vaporised Hydrogen peroxide sterilisation systems. This particular product is triple wrapped and terminally sterilised by Gamma irradiation. Dose Range: 8.0 kGy - 15.0kGy