Firm Gel

//Firm Gel
  • A very nutritious general-purpose medium based on Columbia Agar Base enriched with 5% Sheep Blood, suitable for the isolation of most organisms including most fastidious anaerobes of clinical significance. Many workers claim that β-haemolysis is more readily apparent, particularly in group A streptococci, when Sheep Blood is used in place of Horse Blood.
  • This is a medium for the selective isolation of Staphylococcus spp. and Streptococcus spp. primarily from clinical specimens. Based on Columbia Agar Base enriched with 7% Horse Blood the medium is made selective by the inclusion of Colistin and Nalidixic Acid to suppress the growth of the majority of Gram negative bacteria.
  • Columbia Agar Base with 7% Horse Blood & Gardnerella Supplement This is selective medium for the isolation of Gardnerella vaginalis from clinical samples. Based on Columbia Agar the medium is enriched with 7% Horse Blood and made selective by the addition of Colistin and Nalidixic Acid to suppress other bacteria
  • Columbia Agar Base with 7% Horse Blood & 50mg/L Neomycin Based on Columbia Agar enriched with 7% Horse Blood this formulation has been modified to include Neomycin, which will inhibit most gram-positive and gram-negative aerobes, making it suitable for use as a selective medium for the isolation of many anaerobes.
  • A very nutritious general-purpose medium based on Columbia Agar Base enriched with 7% Horse Blood, suitable for the cultivation and maintenance of most organisms including many fastidious anaerobes of clinical significance.
  • A very nutritious general-purpose medium based on Columbia Agar Base enriched with 7% Sheep Blood, suitable for the isolation of most organisms including most fastidious anaerobes of clinical significance. Many workers claim that β haemolysis is more readily apparent, particularly in group A streptococci, when Sheep Blood is used in place of Horse Blood.
  • This is a selective medium for the isolation of Staphylococcus and Streptococcus spp. Based on Columbia Agar, it is enriched by the addition of Sheep Blood (7%) the medium is also made selective by the inclusion of Colistin and Naladixic Acid to suppress the growth of the majority of Gram negative bacteria. The addition of sheep blood the medium allows for good colonial appearance, pigment production and excellent haemolysis from beta-haemolytic streptococci.
  • Columbia Blood Agar with 5% Defibrinated Horse Blood & Cap Selective Supplement This is a medium for the selective isolation of Staphylococcus spp. and Streptococcus spp. primarily from clinical specimens. Based on Columbia Agar Base enriched with 5% Horse Blood the medium is made selective by the inclusion of Colistin and Aztreonam to suppress the growth of the majority of Gram negative bacteria.
  • Side 1: Columbia Agar with 5% Horse Blood This is a general-purpose medium enriched with 5% defibrinated horse blood that is suitable for the isolation of most organisms, including many fastidious anaerobes. Side 2: Columbia Agar with 5% Horse Blood and CAP Selective Supplement This is a medium for the selective isolation of Staphylococcus spp. and Streptococcus  spp. primarily from clinical specimens. Based on Columbia Agar Base enriched with 5% horse blood the medium is made selective by the inclusion of colistin and aztreonam to suppress the growth of the majority of Gram-negative bacteria.
  • Side 1 – Columbia Agar w 5% Horse Blood This is a general-purpose medium with 5% defibrinated horse blood suitable for isolation of most organisms including fastidious anaerobes. Side 2- Chocolate Agar w 5% Horse Blood This is a highly nutritious medium supplemented with defibrinated horse blood and chocolated by heating to 70°C for 5 minutes. It will support the growth of a wide range of pathogens including the most fastidious organisms and is particularly useful for the cultivation of Haemophilus spp. and Neisseria spp
  • Side 1: Columbia Blood Agar with 7% Sheep Blood & CNA Supplement This is a selective medium for the isolation of Staphylococcus and Streptococcus spp. Based on columbia agar, it is enriched by the addition of sheep blood (7%) the medium is also made selective by the inclusion of colistin and nalidixic acid to suppress the growth of the majority of Gram negative bacteria. The addition of sheep blood to the medium allows for good colonial appearance, pigment production and excellent haemolysis from beta-haemolytic streptococci. Side 2: Sabouraud Dextrose Agar with Chloramphenicol A selective medium for the isolation of yeasts and fungi. Sabouraud dextrose agar is suitable for use in all areas of Mycology. The low pH of the medium inhibits most bacteria, however in this formulation chloramphenicol (150mg/L) is added to further reduce the risk when processing material that may be heavily contaminated particularly with coliforms.
  • This is a selective medium for the cultivation of Taylorella equigenitalis or the contagious equine metritis organism (CEMO) that is the etiological agent for contagious equine metritis. Enzymatic digest of casein and soy peptone provide the required nitrogen, carbon and vitamins, and sodium chloride maintains the osmotic balance of the medium. Sodium sulphite is a reducing agent and L-cystine is an essential amino acid. In addition to this, the medium is further enriched by the inclusion of 7% chocolated horse blood. Amphotericin B is added to suppress the growth of contaminating fungi and yeasts and both clindamycin and trimethoprim are added to suppress bacterial contaminants.
  • This is a selective medium for the cultivation of Taylorella equigenitalis or the contagious equine metritis organism (CEMO) that is the etiological agent for contagious equine metritis. Enzymatic digest of casein and soy peptone provide the required nitrogen, carbon and vitamins, and sodium chloride maintains the osmotic balance of the medium. Sodium sulphite is a reducing agent and L-cystine is an essential amino acid. In addition to this, the medium is further enriched by the inclusion of 7% chocolated horse blood. Amphotericin B is added to suppress the growth of contaminating fungi and yeasts.
  • This is a selective medium for the cultivation of Taylorella equigenitalis or the contagious equine metritis organism (CEMO) that is the etiological agent for contagious equine metritis. Enzymatic digest of casein and soy peptone provide the required nitrogen, carbon and vitamins, and sodium chloride maintains the osmotic balance of the medium. Sodium sulphite is a reducing agent and L-cystine is an essential amino acid. In addition to this, the medium is further enriched by the inclusion of 7% chocolated horse blood. Amphotericin B and streptomycin are added to suppress the growth of fungal/yeast and bacterial contaminants, respectively.
  • This is a defined medium primarily for the cultivation of fungi and bacteria that are capable of utilising Sodium Nitrate as their sole source of Nitrogen. If made more acidic by adjusting to pH 3.5 it can also be used for isolation of yeasts. It has also been used for the identification of Candida albicans by chlamydospore production.
  • Dermatophyte Test Medium with Chloramphenicol & Cyclohexamide (Actidione) This is a selective medium for the isolation of dermatophytes that includes a Phenol Red indicator to assist in the differentiation between dermatophytes and other pathogenic fungi. Although the low pH (5.5) of the medium inhibits most bacteria, Chloramphenicol is added to further reduce the risk when processing material that may be more heavily contaminated. Cyclohexamide (Actidione) is also added to suppress the growth of most yeasts and saprophytic fungi. Dermatophytes appear as fluffy white colonies and produce a red colour on the medium while other fungi cause the medium to become yellow due to acid production. Yeasts will also grow on this medium but are readily distinguished by their distinct white/creamy colonies and distinctive smell. NB: Prolonged incubation should be avoided as this may cause fungi other than dermatophytes to turn the medium red
  • Desoxycholate Citrate Agar (DCA) (Hynes) One of several media designed for the differential selective isolation of Salmonella and Shigella spp from clinical and environmental samples. Lactose is added to the medium together with Neutral Red indicator to assist in the differentiation of Lactose and Non-Lactose fermenting organisms. The medium is made selective by the inclusion of Sodium Desoxycholate and Sodium Thiosulphate, which will inhibit most gram-positive organisms. The Sodium Thiosulphate is also broken down by the enzyme thiosulphate reductase to form Sodium Sulphite and Hydrogen Sulphide. The Hydrogen Sulphide, if present, will in turn react with the ferric ions to produce a black precipitate of Ferrous Sulphide and give rise to the classical black centre of most Salmonellae. It has been suggested that this medium may be more suitable for secondary post-enrichment isolation while the original formulation is more appropriate for the primary inoculation of samples.
  • Dichloran Rose-Bengal Chloramphenicol (DRBC) Agar Dichloran Rose Bengal Chloramphenicol Agar is based on the formulation described by King et al. It is a selective medium for the isolation and enumeration of yeasts and mould that are of significance in food spoilage. The medium is a modification to Rose Bengal Chloramphenicol Agar and is recommended by the International Standard ISO 21527:2008 part 1.
  • PP0400

    DNase Agar

    DN'ase Medium DNase Agar is used primarily in clinical laboratories to differentiate Staphylococcus aureus from other Staphylococci based on deoxyribonuclease activity. Following incubation of the plate and confirmation of a pure growth of Staphylococci, the surface of the medium is covered with a small quantity of 1M Hydrochloric Acid to precipitate the DNA. Staphylococcus aureus produce DNase enzymes that hydrolyse DNA resulting in a clear area around the colonies, described as being DNase positive, whereas coagulase negative Staphylococci do not produce clearing. NB: As with most tests of this type a positive result should not be taken in isolation and other appropriate tests, e.g. Coagulase Test, Latex Agglutination etc, should be carried out.
  • DNase Agar is used primarily in clinical laboratories to differentiate Staphylococcus aureus from other staphylococci based on deoxyribonuclease activity. Staphylococcus aureus produce DNase enzymes that hydrolyse DNA resulting in a colourless zone around the colonies, described as being DNase positive, whereas coagulase negative staphylococci do not produce clearing. This particular formulation can also be used for Streptococci and Serratia. NB: As with most tests of this type a positive result should not be taken in isolation and other appropriate tests, e.g. Coagulase Test, Latex Agglutination etc, should be carried out.
  • Edwards Medium (Modified) with 7% Sheep Blood This is a medium for the selective isolation of streptococci, particularly Streptococcus agalactiae, involved in bovine mastitis. The medium is enriched by the addition of 7% Sheep Blood and made selective by the inclusion of Crystal Violet and Thallous Sulphate. Aesculin is also present and assists in the differentiation of Streptococcus agalactiae, which give rise to blue colonies, from Aesculin positive Group D streptococci which produce black colonies.
  • Fastidious Anaerobe Agar is intended as a primary isolation medium capable of supporting most clinically significant anaerobes including fastidious organisms. The formulation is complex and includes detoxification agents (Starch & Sodium Bicarbonate), growth enhancing agents (Cysteine, Arginine, Vitamin K, Sodium Succinate, Glucose and pyrophosphate) as well as Haemin to encourage pigment production in Porphyromonas melaninogenicus. Sodium Pyruvate is also included to help neutralise Hydrogen Peroxide. One side of the bi-plate consists of standard FAA supplemented with 7% horse blood; the other side is FAA with horse blood and Neomycin (75mg/L) for the selective isolation of target organisms.
  • Fastidious Anaerobe Agar (FAA) with 5% Sheep Blood Fastidious Anaerobe Agar is intended as a primary isolation medium capable of supporting most clinically significant anaerobes including fastidious organisms. The formulation is complex and includes detoxification agents (Starch & Sodium Bicarbonate) growth enhancing agents (Cysteine, Arginine, Vitamin K, Sodium Succinate, Glucose and pyrophosphate) as well as Haemin to encourage pigment production in Porphyromonas melaninogenicus. Sodium Pyruvate is also included to help neutralise Hydrogen Peroxide. In this instance the medium is further enriched by the addition of 5% Sheep Blood.
  • Fastidious Anaerobe Agar with 7% Horse Blood Fastidious Anaerobe Agar is intended as a primary isolation medium capable of supporting most clinically significant anaerobes including fastidious organisms. The formulation is complex and includes detoxification agents (Starch & Sodium Bicarbonate) growth enhancing agents (Cysteine, Arginine, Vitamin K, Sodium Succinate, Glucose and pyrophosphate) as well as Haemin to encourage pigment production in Porphyromonas melaninogenicus. Sodium Pyruvate is also included to help neutralise Hydrogen Peroxide. In this instance the medium is further enriched by the addition of 7% Horse Blood.
  • Fastidious Anaerobe Agar (FAA) with 7% Horse Blood & Neomycin (75mg/L) Fastidious Anaerobe Agar is intended as a primary isolation medium capable of supporting most clinically significant anaerobes including fastidious organisms. The formulation is complex and includes detoxification agents (Starch & Sodium Bicarbonate) as well as growth enhancing agents (Cysteine, Arginine, Vitamin K, Sodium Succinate, Glucose and pyrophosphate) as well as Haemin to encourage pigment production in Porphyromonas melaninogenicus. Sodium Pyruvate is also included to help neutralise Hydrogen Peroxide. In this instance the medium is made more selective by the inclusion of 75mg/L of Neomycin to inhibit most enteric organisms and further enriched by the addition of 7% Horse Blood.
  • Fastidious Anaerobe Agar with 7% Horse Blood, Vancomycin (6mg/L) & Nalidixic Acid (10mg/L) This is a selective medium for the isolation of gram-negative anaerobes from clinical specimens. The base medium, Fastidious Anaerobe Agar, is complex and includes detoxification agents (Starch & Sodium Bicarbonate), growth enhancing agents (Cysteine, Arginine, Vitamin K, Sodium Succinate, Glucose and pyrophosphate) as well as Haemin to encourage pigment production where appropriate. Sodium Pyruvate is also included to help neutralise Hydrogen Peroxide. The medium is made selective, by the inclusion of Naladixic Acid and Vancomycin and further enriched by the addition of 7% Horse Blood.
  • This is a selective medium for the isolation of clinically significant anaerobes including fastidious organisms. The formulation is complex and includes detoxification agents (starch and sodium hydrogen carbonate), growth enhancing agents (cysteine, arginine, menadione, sodium succinate, glucose and pyrophosphate) and haemin to encourage pigment production in Porphyromonas melaninogenicus. Sodium pyruvate is included to help neutralise hydrogen peroxide. The medium is made selective by the inclusion of nalidixic acid and further enriched by the addition of 7% defibrinated horse blood. Tween 80 is added to encourage the growth of anaerobic streptococci.
  • Fastidious Anaerobe Agar is intended as a primary isolation medium capable of supporting most clinically significant anaerobes including fastidious organisms. The formulation is complex and includes detoxification agents (starch & sodium bicarbonate) as well as growth enhancing agents (cysteine, arginine, vitamin K, sodium succinate, glucose and pyrophosphate) as well as haemin to encourage pigment production in Porphyromonas melaninogenicus . Sodium pyruvate is also included to help neutralise hydrogen peroxide. In this instance the medium is made more selective by the inclusion of neomycin and aztreonam to inhibit most enteric organisms and further enriched by the addition of 7% horse blood.
  • This is a non-selective medium for the maintenance of Neisseria gonorrhoeae cultures. Based on the medium developed by Thayer & Martin, it includes Corn Starch to absorb toxic metabolites and is buffered to maintain a neutral pH. Yeast Extract and Glucose are also added as further enrichment along with laked horse blood to ensure an more luxuriant growth of Neisseria gonorrhoeae. NB: This is a Basic medium only and DOES NOT contain any selective agents. It is therefore not recommended for use as a primary isolation medium.
  • This is one of a number of media available for the selective isolation of Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Based on the medium of Thayer & Martin it includes Corn Starch to absorb toxic metabolites and is buffered to maintain a neutral pH. The medium is enriched with Defibrinated Horse Blood where the blood has been ‘chocolated’ by heating the medium to 60°C and made selective by the inclusion of VCAT (Vancomycin, Colistin, Amphotericin and Trimethoprim). Vancomycin and Colistin inhibit the growth of the majority of contaminating organisms likely to be present. Trimethoprim is included to reduce the spread of Proteus spp and Amphotericin to suppress yeasts. Yeast Extract and Glucose are also added as further enrichment.
  • There are a number of media available for the selective isolation of Neisseria gonorrhoeae of which this is one. Based on the medium developed by Thayer & Martin, it includes Corn Starch to absorb toxic metabolites and is buffered to maintain a neutral pH. The medium is made selective by the inclusion of LCAT (Lincomycin, Colistin, Amphotericin B & Trimethoprim). Lincomycin and Colistin inhibit the growth of the majority of contaminating organisms likely to be present. Trimethoprim is included to reduce the spreading of Proteus spp and Amphotericin B to inhibit yeasts and fungi. Yeast Extract and Glucose are also added as further enrichment along with laked horse blood to ensure an more luxuriant growth of Neisseria gonorrhoeae.
  • There are a number of media available for the selective isolation of Neisseria gonorrhoeae of which this is one. Based on the medium developed by Thayer & Martin, it includes Corn Starch to absorb toxic metabolites and is buffered to maintain a neutral pH. The medium is made selective by the inclusion of VCAT (Vancomycin, Colistin, Amphotericin B & Trimethoprim). Vancomycin and Colistin inhibit the growth of the majority of contaminating organisms likely to be present. Trimethoprim is included to reduce the spreading of Proteus spp and Amphotericin B to inhibit yeasts and fungi. Yeast Extract and Glucose are also added as further enrichment along with laked horse blood to ensure an more luxuriant growth of Neisseria gonorrhoeae.
  • There are a number of media available for the selective isolation of Neisseria gonorrhoeae of which this is one. Based on the medium developed by Thayer & Martin, it includes Corn Starch to absorb toxic metabolites and is buffered to maintain a neutral pH. The medium is made selective by the inclusion of VCNT (Vancomycin, Colistin, Nystatin & Trimethoprim). Vancomycin and Colistin inhibit the growth of the majority of contaminating organisms likely to be present. Trimethoprim is included to reduce the spreading of Proteus spp and Nystatin to inhibit yeasts and fungi. Yeast Extract and Glucose are also added as further enrichment along with laked horse blood to ensure an more luxuriant growth of Neisseria gonorrhoeae.
  • This medium was initially intended for the selective isolation of Shigella spp. but can also be used for Salmonella spp. primarily from clinical specimens although it has been used in the examination of dairy products. The medium contains high levels of Peptone to counteract some of the toxic effects, particularly on Shigella, of the Bile Salts used to make the medium selective. In addition to Lactose, Sucrose and Salicin are also included allowing for improved differentiation than with Lactose only. The presence of H2S is detected by the reaction between Ammonium Ferric Citrate and Sodium Thiosulphate. A double indicator system of Acid Fuchsin and Bromothymol Blue is helpful in the differentiation process.
  • Helicobacter Pylori Medium with 10% Horse Serum, Cefsulodin (10mg/L), Vancomycin (10mg/L) & Amphoteracin (20mg/L) This is a selective medium for the isolation of Helicobacter pylori from clinical samples. The medium is based on a modification of Campylobacter CCDA Blood Free Medium with Charcoal, Ferrous Sulphate and Sodium Pyruvate replacing the Horse Blood and is made selective by the addition of Vancomycin and Cefsulodin to suppress other bacteria and Amphoteracin to inhibit yeasts. 10% Horse Serum is also added to promote optimum growth of helicobacter.
  • PP0610

    Hoyles Medium

    A selective culture medium for the isolation and differentiation of Corynebacterium diphtheriae types, Hoyle’s medium allows for rapid growth of the organisms and normally 18 hours incubation should be sufficient for a diagnosis. As the medium is highly selective, inoculation should be by rubbing the swab (or other material) over the entire surface of the agar, there is no need to spread the inoculum with a loop indeed doing so can cause the organism to be missed especially when they are present only in small numbers.
  • Iso-Sensitest with 5% Horse Blood & NAD (20mg/L) (25ml per dish) This is a defined medium suitable for antimicrobial susceptibility testing and on which most organisms will grow. The medium has been enriched with Horse Blood to meet the demands of the more fastidious organisms and NAD (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide) is also included to further enhance the growth of Haemophilus spp. This medium is included in the recommendations of BSAC as being appropriate for the susceptibility testing of Haemophilus spp.
  • This is a selective medium for the isolation and enumeration of enterococci (Group D streptococci) primarily in food although it has found uses in other areas of bacteriology. The medium is made selective by the inclusion of Kanamycin and Sodium Azide while Aesculin and Ferric Ammonium Citrate act as the indicator system.
  • LB media formulations have been an industry standard for the cultivation of Escherichia coli as far back as the 1950s. These media have been widely used in molecular microbiology applications for the preparation of plasmid DNA and recombinant proteins. Vitamins and certain trace elements are provided by yeast extract. Sodium ions for transport and osmotic balance are provided by sodium chloride. Tryptone is used to provide essential amino acids to the growing bacteria.
  • LB media formulations have been an industry standard for the cultivation of Escherichia coli as far back as the 1950s. These media have been widely used in molecular microbiology applications for the preparation of plasmid DNA and recombinant proteins. This medium has the addition of carbenicillin at 100mg/L for use with transformed cells harbouring selection plasmids containing carbenicillin resistance genes. Peptides and essential amino acids are provided by tryptone. Vitamins and certain trace elements are provided by yeast extract and sodium chloride provides osmotic balance.
  • LB media formulations have been an industry standard for the cultivation of Escherichia coli as far back as the 1950s.These media have been widely used in molecular microbiology applications for the preparation of plasmid DNA and recombinant proteins. This media has the addition of Kanamycin at 0.05gms/L for use with Kanamycin resistant strains and cells harbouring selection plasmids containing the Kanamycin resistance gene.Peptides and peptones are provided by tryptone. Vitamins and certain trace elements are provided by yeast extract. Sodium ions for transport and osmotic balance are provided by sodium chloride. Tryptone is used to provide essential amino acids to the growing bacteria, while the yeast extract is used to provide a plethora of organic compounds helpful for bacterial growth.
  • LB media formulations have been an industry standard for the cultivation of Escherichia coli as far back as the 1950s.These media have been widely used in molecular microbiology applications for the preparation of plasmid DNA and recombinant proteins. This medium has the addition of kanamycin at 50mg/L and chloramphenicol at 34mg/L, for use with kanamycin and chloramphenicol resistant strains and cells harbouring selection plasmids containing the kanamycin and rifampicin resistance genes. Peptides, peptones and essential amino acids are provided by tryptone. Vitamins and certain trace elements are provided by yeast extract and sodium chloride provides osmotic balance.
  • Legionella Cystine Free Medium is intended for use in conjunction with Legionella CYE Medium (PP0200) as a secondary diagnostic medium for confirmation of a previously isolated organism. Although it contains Ferric Pyrophosphate and α-ketoglutarate it does not contain any L-Cysteine Hydrochloride. NB : This is a base medium only and will not sustain the growth of Legionella spp.
  • This is a selective medium for the isolation of Legionella spp is used primarily in water and environmental laboratories. The base agar contains Yeast Extract as a source of protein, Charcoal to neutralise growth-inhibiting substances and is supplemented with Ferric Pyrophosphate as a source of iron, L-cysteine hydrochloride and α-ketoglutarate to form amino acid and chelate respectively. ACES buffer is incorporated to maintain the optimal pH for growth. The medium is made selective by the addition of Glycine, Vancomycin & Polymyxin B to inhibit the majority of gram positive and gram negative organisms and Cycloheximide is also included to inhibit yeasts and fungi.
  • This is a selective medium for the isolation of Legionella spp used primarily in clinical and environmental laboratories. The base agar contains Yeast Extract as a source of protein, Charcoal to neutralise growth-inhibiting substances and is supplemented with Ferric Pyrophosphate as a source of iron, L-Cysteine hydrochloride and α-ketoglutarate to form amino acid and chelate respectively. ACES buffer and Potassium hydroxide are incorporated to maintain the optimal pH for growth. The medium is made selective by the addition of Cefamandole and Polymixin to inhibit most gram positive and gram negative organisms and Cyclohexamide is also included to inhibit yeasts and fungi.
  • This is a basic medium for the cultivation of Legionella spp. It is intended primarily for use as a secondary diagnostic medium in conjunction with Legionella Cystine Free Medium (PP0201) for confirmation of a previously isolated organism. NB: This is a basal medium only and although it will sustain the growth of Legionella spp. It contains no selective supplements. It is therefore not recommended as a means of primary isolations from clinical samples.
  • One of several media available as a selective identification medium for the isolation and identification of Listeria monocytogenes in food & clinical laboratories. Using Columbia Agar as the base Lithium Chloride is included to inhibit enterococci and Acriflavine to inhibit some other gram positive and gram negative organisms that may be present in such specimens. It is made further selective by the addition of the antimicrobials Cefoxitin, Colistin & Fosfomycin with Amphotericin included to inhibit any yeasts present. Aesculin is present as an indicator since Listeria monocytogenes will hydrolyse it and the associated reaction with the Ferric Ammonium Citrate gives rise to a black precipitate around the colonies.
  • This is a selective medium for the isolation and differentiation of bile tolerant gram-negative (enteric) and gram-positive (staphylococci and enterococci) organisms and has uses in all areas of bacteriology. It has the disadvantage that many strains of Proteus spp will spread on it and for this reason MacConkey Agar without Salt may be preferred.
  • This is a selective medium primarily for the isolation and differentiation of coliforms and non-lactose fermenting Gram –ve bacterial species from clinical, dairy, industrial and water samples. This media differs from the original MacConkey formulation with the addition of an extra 0.5% Sodium chloride, an altered Bile salt mix and the neutral red concentration was also modified. This enhanced the effect of inhibiting Gram +ve and other non-enteric bacterial species. This medium conforms to the requirements of the Harmonised USP/EP/JP.
  • This is a selective medium primarily for the isolation of Enterobacteriacae from waters & sewage. This media differs from the original MacConkey formulation in that as well as Bile Salts, Crystal Violet has been included as an additional selective agent. This has the effect of inhibiting gram-positive micrococci.